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It’s Not Only About Calorie Tracking! 

Precision Orthopedics By Precision
July 21, 2022 | Health

Before we dive into this article, you may want to refresh your memory a little on Macronutrients. Head over to our previous article ‘What is a Macronutrient’ for more information! 

Although ultimately, what determines whether or not you lose weight falls into the hands of Calorie tracking, hitting your macros can prove to be of very high importance too.  

Of course, fat and protein are essential macronutrients, meaning that one must consume these macronutrients within their diet to remain healthy… and alive.  

Carbohydrates are the outlier here, wherein, you don’t need to consume carbohydrates to stay alive. Without carbohydrates in your diet your body, through a process called ketosis, turns to fat as its main source of fuel.  

However, this doesn’t necessarily turn out to be as good as it sounds.  

There’s not really any significant evidence to suggest that cutting carbs has any long-term effect on healthy weight loss. In fact, evidence suggests quite the contrary. We’ll be sure to cover this topic fully in a later article.  

For now, we’re merely highlighting the importance of a healthy macronutrient distribution through your diet.  

A diet that is well balanced in whole carbohydrates, fats, and proteins often ensures a wide range of foods that will provide optimum overall nutrition. With a healthy balance of macronutrients, one can expect to feel well energized, while recovering and healing efficiently from exercise along with an ideal level of hormonal secretion.  

But what is the perfect macronutrient distribution? Well, the National Academy of Medicine recommends that 45–65% of your calories come from carbs, 20–35% of your calories come from fats and, 10–35% of your calories come from proteins.  

These numbers will, no doubt, vary depending on your geographical location, activity level, and personal preference. But aiming to fall within these ranges will ensure you meet your overall macronutrient needs.  

And it’s easier to do than you think!  

The general rule of thumb is to load your plate with 2 sources of carbohydrates – ideally fruit, vegetables, or whole grains, 1 source of protein, in the form of fish, egg, tofu, beans, or lean meats, and 1 source of fat either in the form of olive oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds, or avocado. 

If you find yourself following this rule for your daily meals, you’ll soon see yourself falling within the recommended macronutrient ranges. 

Now, we find it necessary to bring in another very important macronutrient that we haven’t really yet discussed.  

Can you guess what it is?  

It shouldn’t be too difficult, after all, without it – we would not be able to last more than 3 days.  

That’s it. 

Water. H2O. The sweet nectar of life.  

The recommended amount of water one should drink per day differs from person to person, but don’t wait until you’re thirsty before you start swigging.  

Thirst is the first sign of dehydration.  

However, some other signs of dehydration include dark-colored urine, decreased urination frequency (fewer than 4 times per day), headaches, general fatigue, dry skin, and poor concentration.  

The best way to manage correct hydration is to keep your body constantly ‘topped’ up with water. Keep a water bottle by your side throughout the entire day and aim for 2 liters (68 oz) minimum. You’ll know you’re on the right track when your pee is as clear as a tranquil paradise waterfall.  

Let it flow. 

An extra bonus tip for you: 
The feeling of being bloated can wreck an entire day. 

Drinking more water may seem as if it would only make matters worse, however, countless studies have shown that by maintaining steady hydration throughout the day, you can reduce bloating as well as force the body to naturally flush out both waste products and harmful toxins. 

Now, before we sign off, we feel it necessary to highlight one final important nutrient that doesn’t get enough attention… 


Specifically, dietary fiber.  

Dietary fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate that originates from plant-based foods. 

As we previously learned in our Macronutrient article, the majority of carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules that enter your bloodstream. However, dietary fiber is not broken down, it actually passes through the body undigested.  

Now, what’s the point of dietary fiber if it passes through the body undigested?  

Well, this is where we have to briefly explain homeostasis. This is the state of metabolic equilibrium within the body, which includes the optimal function of fluid balance and body temperature as well as protection against other metabolic diseases.    

Fiber also helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger levels in check while feeding the body good bacteria essential for optimal health and longevity.  

Studies have shown that those with a higher intake of dietary fiber have an exceptionally lower risk of developing heart disease, strokes, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, as well as various gastrointestinal disorders.  

Now that we know the true importance of fiber, how can we get more of it?  

Well, that’s pretty simple! Nuts, whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains all contain good amounts of fiber. So start there! Remember, because high-fiber foods are generally filling, they’ll help aid that weight-loss journey.  

How much do we need?  

It’s recommended that women consume 25 grams of fiber daily, while men should aim for 38 grams per day.  

Finally, it’s good to keep in mind that there are 2 types of dietary fiber, soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber.  

Soluble fiber dissolves in water and can help lower glucose levels and blood cholesterol.  

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and can help food move through your digestive system.  

We hope that we have highlighted the many positives of keeping your diet balanced, remaining hydrated, and reaching your fiber targets! If you’d like to learn a little more about a healthy diet, why not start with The Healthiest Diet in the World